Friday, June 25, 2010

Hello Stranger!

It's hard to believe over a year has gone by since I last posted. What is going on in our lives right now? To start off we are expecting Miss Monroe Paige in a little less than four weeks. Yes, we are having another girl and yes I am crazy because Mckenna will only be 19 months old! Mckenna is in love with the "baby" or "roe roe" as she likes to call her and loves to try and see her by picking up my shirt and showing the world my tummy. Some say awww how cute....Me not so much. It doens't bother me at home but in the middle of Target, not my favorite time for Mckenna to talk to her little sister.

As for Mckenna she is growing by leaps and bounds everyday. She is truley a Daddy's Girl. I can't get over how big she is and how independant she wants to be. She recently started informing Matt and I when she was wet or dirty so we took this as a sign to start potty training. How great would it be to get one out of diapers just before the second arrives?! Mckenna picked out a pretty pink potty and Elmo panties. She loves to sit on the potty but has yet to go on it. Her teachers at school are so great and have her sit on the potty as well. It's just a matter of time before we master this milestone.
Another big step for her was getting a "big girl" bed. Her crib was recently recalled and I had to get rid of it. Instead of putting her in another crib Matt and I decided to get a toddler bed. We are finishing up our third week in the toddler bed and she is a CHAMP! She doesn't get out of it when it's time for bed and she has only rolled out of bed one time.

As for Matt he is busy as always. He recently had his tonsils removed and recovered quite nicely. He started getting sick last November and we couldn't figure out why or what was causing it. Finally six months and almost 30 pounds later his tonsils are gone and he now needs smaller pants! It is definatley not fun to watch your husband shrink and your belly expands!!! I am so thankful he is feeling better.

Next week Matt and Mckenna will fly to New York to visit family. Yes, Matt is taking Mckenna on an airplane SOLO! I will almost be in my 38th week and have to stay home. So while my mom, Aunt Sally and I get the house ready for Monroe, Matt and Mckenna will be jet setting to the East Coast. I have known of this trip for several months now but I still get tears in my eyes when I think of being away from Mckenna for four days. This will be the first time we are apart since she was born.
In order for Matt to be able to travel through the airport with Mckenna, the stroller and the carseat, I was asked to pack a bag early so he could ship it to his aunt's house. I made sure to make dressing Mckenna as easy as possible. Each outfit she has to wear is packed individually in a zip lock bag down to the shoes and hair accesory. I wish I was going to be there since last summer she was only six months old when she met everyone for the first time. Matt's mom will be there as well as his aunts so he shouldn't have to do much in the way of Mckenna seeing as they are ready to spoil her every second she is there! They are going to have so much fun. I am just hoping Monroe does not decide to make a grand entrance before they come home.

As for me, I am doing good. My pregnancy has been great and has gone by really fast. I can't believe we will have two precious girls in less than a month. If you look at the 3D ultrasound pictures of Mckenna and Monroe they look almost identical. I am very proud to say I have only gained 17 pounds so far and hope to not gain much more. I am still teaching at the private school in Kyle and am looking forward to having Monroe at the school as well. It is such a blessing to be able to have the girls in the same building as I am. It makes going to work so much easier.

Given my updating track record I am not promising anything but I will try my hardest to keep my blog updated. Hopefully I find myself here again in a lot less time than a year!


  1. I LOVE WHEN YOU POST so keep it up!!!! When I first read this I thought it said Matt's toenails were removed (weird!?)- haha! Anyway, love the name and can't wait to see pics of this new little angel!!

  2. hey there! thanks for stopping by my blog :) im sorry but i couldnt tell from the pictures in that particular post which chairs you were talking about {that you like the fabric from}. if you can tell me which chairs i might be able to help!

